• Joined on 2025-01-12
itkujo released V0.1.2 at Relentnet/MarineComOS_RPI 2025-01-15 21:32:31 -08:00
itkujo pushed tag v0.1.2 to Relentnet/MarineComOS_RPI 2025-01-15 21:32:30 -08:00
itkujo pushed tag V0.1.1 to Relentnet/MarineComOS_RPI 2025-01-15 12:46:23 -08:00
itkujo released Alpha Release V0.1.1 at Relentnet/MarineComOS_RPI 2025-01-15 12:46:23 -08:00
itkujo pushed to main at Relentnet/MarineComOS_RPI 2025-01-15 12:43:15 -08:00
f8b9af4d61 Release v0.1.1: Docker installation and preloaded containers
itkujo created branch main in Relentnet/MarineComOS_RPI 2025-01-14 15:12:39 -08:00
itkujo pushed to main at Relentnet/MarineComOS_RPI 2025-01-14 15:12:39 -08:00
0bb0c31e48 Resolve merge conflicts for LICENSE and README.md
itkujo deleted branch main from Relentnet/MarineComOS_RPI 2025-01-14 15:07:46 -08:00
itkujo created branch main in Relentnet/MarineComOS_RPI 2025-01-14 15:06:17 -08:00
itkujo pushed to main at Relentnet/MarineComOS_RPI 2025-01-14 15:06:17 -08:00
itkujo deleted branch main from Relentnet/MarineComOS_RPI 2025-01-14 14:27:17 -08:00
itkujo pushed to main at Relentnet/MarineComOS_RPI 2025-01-14 14:25:06 -08:00
82148ed777 Delete README.md
itkujo pushed tag 0.1 to Relentnet/MarineComOS_RPI 2025-01-14 14:19:19 -08:00
itkujo released MarineComOS Alpha at Relentnet/MarineComOS_RPI 2025-01-14 14:19:19 -08:00
itkujo created branch master in Relentnet/MarineComOS_RPI 2025-01-13 13:13:58 -08:00
itkujo pushed to master at Relentnet/MarineComOS_RPI 2025-01-13 13:13:58 -08:00
cfbfdfa777 Add custom MarineComOS_RPI configurations and files
ca08900c66 README.md: Fix typo (#813)
8e30e79434 stage5: install code-the-classics-2
f2d397f3ba stage2: set publish-workstation to yes in avahi-daemon.conf
13c185cb79 Switch default journald storage to volatile
Compare 10 commits »
itkujo created repository Relentnet/MarineComOS_RPI 2025-01-13 01:48:20 -08:00