773 lines
44 KiB
773 lines
44 KiB
* NodeRED removed from Recommended Software and full image - should only be installed via apt
* Improved speed of startup of lxpanel network controller plugins
* Improved detection of Bluetooth HID devices in first-boot wizard
* Bug fix - splash screen version number and date incorrect
* Bug fix - text entry in searchable main menu ignored while caps or num lock active
* Bug fix - keyboard shortcuts to open Wi-fi and Bluetooth plugin menus not working in 64-bit builds
* Bug fix - typo in Bluetooth device menu
* Bug fix - crash when cycling windows in mutter
* Bug fix - spurious text output in raspi-config network configuration selection
* Bug fix - firstboot script skipped further steps if rootfs resize failed
* Bug fix - firstboot script inadvertently wrote /test.log
* Bug fix - typo in raspi-config resulted in empty file /2 being created
* Raspberry Pi firmware 48cd70fe84432c5d050637b61e4b7b9c831c98bf
* Linux kernel 5.15.61
* lxpanel - new main menu plugin with text search
* lxpanel - new separate audio input plugin with microphone volume and input select
* lxpanel - keyboard shortcuts to open wifi and bluetooth plugins added
* lxpanel - notifications now shown with short delay after startup and between each
* rc_gui - only allows valid hostnames to be set
* piwiz - no longer allows "root" as a user name
* gtk3 - menus can now be resized after being drawn
* raspi-config - option to switch between dhcpcd and Network Manager added
* lxpanel - new network plugin compatible with Network Manager added
* piwiz - compatibility with Network Manager added
* Bug fix - 100% CPU usage in file manager when desktop item unmounted
* Bug fix - window manager was preventing switching between international keyboard layouts
* Bug fix - system tray redrawing made more robust
* Bug fix - translations not being shown in various lxpanel plugins
* Bug fix - updater plugin failing on x86 images
* Bug fix - force power on for Bluetooth hardware when unblocked with rfkill
* Bug fix - message boxes in rc_gui not centred correctly
* Bug fix - switching sessions between Wayland and X11 made more robust
* Bug fix - switching of ALSA devices in raspi-config made compatible with third-party devices
* Install NetworkManager (disabled)
* Install OpenJDK 17 rather than OpenJDK 11 on full images
* Install picamera2
* Format the root partition with the metadata_csum option
* Format the boot partition with 4 sectors per cluster for a slight performance boost
* Remove 'flush' mount option from the boot partition
* Raspberry Pi firmware 48cd70fe84432c5d050637b61e4b7b9c831c98bf
* Linux kernel 5.15.61
* Default "pi" user has been removed; the first-boot wizard enforces the creation of a new user account
* rename-user script added to allow existing users to be renamed by temporarily rebooting to cut-down first-boot wizard
* Overscan now managed by xrandr under KMS, can be set independently for both monitors, and takes effect on the fly rather than requiring reboot
* GTK3 switch control now used in place of paired radio buttons throughout
* piwiz - first-boot wizard now runs in a separate session as a different user with different graphics
* piwiz - first-boot wizard now has automatic pairing for discoverable Bluetooth mice and keyboards
* lxinput - keyboard delay and repeat settings now persist across reboots under mutter
* raspi-config / rc_gui - removed pixel doubling option when KMS driver in use
* raspi-config - removed composition manager option when legacy driver in use
* arandr - restored support for interlaced displays
* mutter - implemented more intuitive window and application cycling behaviour
* pi-greeter - rebuilt for GTK3
* Bug fix - graphical corruption in system tray icons
* Bug fix - desktop items vanishing when dragged
* Bug fix - terminal windows not focussed correctly when launched
* Bug fix - crash after multiple update checks in updater plugin
* Bug fix - Raspberry Pi keyboard auto-detect by wizard was broken in previous release
* Bug fix - spurious "connected" dialog box shown when reconnecting to Bluetooth LE devices on boot
* Support for experimental Wayland backend added - can be enabled as an advanced option in raspi-config
* Various small bug fixes and graphical tweaks
* Chromium upgraded to version 98.0.4758.106
* FFmpeg HW acceleration improved
* OpenJDK 17 now defaults to 'client' JVM for ARMv6 compatibility
* Raspberry Pi firmware 69277bc713133a54a1d20554d79544da1ae2b6ca
* Linux kernel 5.15.30
* Policykit CVE-2021-4034 fix
* rc_gui - add combo box to allow resolution to be set for VNC connections
* rc_gui - camera interface switch removed
* lxpanel - remove appearance settings from preferences dialog; instead add menu option to open general Appearance Settings application
* lxpanel - add ellipses to menu items which open dialogs
* lxinput - read current mouse acceleration directly from xinput
* lxinput - use device IDs rather than names to cope with devices changing when powered-down
* lxinput - remove redundant changes to openbox config file
* plymouth - set KillMode to mixed to suppress warning message
* raspi-config - add option to switch composite video
* raspi-config - add option to switch to legacy camera mode
* raspi-config - add option to set resolution for headless connections
* raspberrypi-ui-mods - disable mutter when VNC server is running and fall back to openbox
* pipanel - add command-line option to open on arbitrary tab
* lxplug-network - suppress ’scan received’ logging message
* raspberrypi-ui-mods - set hover colour for taskbar items based on taskbar colour, not system highlight colour
* Legacy camera applications and libraries reinstalled (32-bit only)
* Bug fix - lxinput - lxsession config file not being written on first attempt
* Bug fix - lxinput - set timer for file write to prevent slider slowing down
* Bug fix - lxinput - write values to gsettings as well as xinput and xsettings to take effect within mutter
* Bug fix - lxinput - fix failure to parse and write non-English numeric formats
* Bug fix - arandr - various fixes to parsing of non-standard EDID blocks to enable model and serial to be correctly extracted
* Bug fix - arandr - refresh rate calculated to 3 decimal places for monitors which require it
* Bug fix - arandr - enable setting of left and right orientation
* Bug fix - arandr - add compatibility with new touchscreen driver
* Bug fix - arandr - apply settings correctly to DSI and composite displays
* Bug fix - lxplug-magnifier - fix crash when opening preferences without required magnifier package installed
* Bug fix - piwiz - launch screen reader install prompt as a new process to prevent audio lockups crashing wizard
* Bug fix - lxpanel - not loading some plugins (cpufreq, minimise all windows) due to icon loading code not compatible with GTK+3
* Bug fix - gtk+3 - disabled new GDK touch events to enable double-clicks to be detected on touchscreen
* Bug fix - xrdp - included backports from bookworm version of xrdp and xorgxrdp to restore window frames with mutter over xrdp connections
* Update various translations
* udisks2 added to lite image
* mkvtoolnix added to lite image
* 7z and zip support added to lite image
* gnome-keyring added to desktop images
* Raspberry Pi firmware c6d56567ff6ef17fd85159770f22abcf2c5953ed
* Linux kernel 5.10.92
* Based on Debian version 11 (bullseye)
* Desktop components (lxpanel and all plugins, libfm, pcmanfm) now built against GTK+3
* Applications (piwiz, pipanel, rc_gui, lxinput) now built against GTK+3
* PiXflat GTK+3 theme updated with numerous changes to support the above
* GTK+3 : toolbar icon size setting added
* GTK+3 : ability to request client-side decoration on windows added
* GTK+3 : setting for indent for frame labels in custom style added
* mutter window manager used instead of openbox on devices with 2GB or more of RAM
* mutter : title bar icon behaviour and appearance modified to match openbox
* mutter : additional keyboard shortcuts added
* mutter : various performance enhancements
* mutter compatibility added to screen magnifier
* Numerous changes to Appearance Settings application to support GTK+3 and mutter
* Updater plugin added to lxpanel to detect and install software updates
* File manager view options simplified to either list or icons, with separate menu option for thumbnails
* New file manager toolbar icons
* KMS used as default display driver
* Modifications to HDMI audio output selection to support the above
* xcompmgr enabled when openbox is running under KMS
* New default camera subsystem based on libcamera
* New camera demo applications (libcamera-still and libcamera-vid) have replaced raspistill and raspivid
* Legacy camera subsystem removed from 64-bit RPi OS (still available on 32-bit)
* Chromium upgraded to version 92.0.4515.98
* VLC media player upgraded to version 3.0.16
* Spurious drive removal warning after use of SD card copier removed
* Bookshelf application now includes Custom PC magazine
* Various translation updates - Italian, Korean, Polish, German, Armenian
* Startup wizard now installs Japanese fonts if needed
* Progress and information dialog boxes for lxpanel plugins now common to lxpanel, rather than in individual plugins
* Icon handling code for lxpanel plugins now common to lxpanel
* Package with 4K version of Raspberry Pi wallpaper added to Recommended Software
* Python Games and Minecraft removed from Recommended Software - neither is compatible with bullseye
* Bluetooth pairing and connection dialogs updated for compatibility with more devices
* Bluetooth devices always disconnected before removal to speed up removal process
* Bluetooth pairing dialog now only shows devices which offer services which are usable by Pi
* Separate Bluetooth unpair dialog removed - unpair now an option for each individual device
* Bug fix - mutter : header bar colours not updating when theme is changed
* Bug fix - GTK+3 : tooltips being displayed incorrectly at bottom of screen
* Bug fix - lxpanel : crash when using keyboard shortcut to enable magnifier when magnifier not installed
* Bug fix - lxpanel : lockup in Bluetooth plugin when connecting to certain devices
* Bug fix - lxpanel : discoverable mode icon could get out of sync with underlying Bluetooth system state
* Bug fix - piwiz : missing cities in timezone list
* Bug fix - piwiz : country-specific language packages not being installed
* Bug fix - bookshelf : now waits for longer between packets before timing out
* Bug fix - accented characters now displayed correctly in localisation dialogs
* Raspberry Pi firmware e2bab29767e51c683a312df20014e3277275b8a6
* Linux kernel 5.10.63
* Chromium upgraded to version 88.0.4324.187
* NuScratch upgraded to version 20210507
* Node-RED upgraded to version 1.3.4
* pigpio upgraded to version 1.79
* Thonny upgraded to version 3.3.6
* Icelandic and Italian translations updated for several packages
* piclone: Remove hiding of application in other desktops
* agnostics: Remove hiding of app in other desktops
* rp-bookshelf:
- Remove hiding of app in other desktops
- GTK+3 version
* lxplug-bluetooth:
- Fix some memory leaks
- Add authorisation dialog required by some BT-LE pairings
* alsa-utils: Add custom init files for bcm2835 on Raspberry Pi to set volume correctly
* rp-prefapps: Remove hiding of app in other desktops
* OpenSSH and OpenSSL speed improvements
* Install gpiozero in lite images
* Raspberry Pi firmware 518ee7c871aaa9aaa88116953d57e73787ee6e43
* Linux kernel 5.10.17
* Thonny upgraded to version 3.3.5
* SD Card Copier made compatible with NVMe devices; now built against GTK+3 toolkit
* Composite video options removed from Raspberry Pi 4 in Raspberry Pi Configuration
* Boot order options in raspi-config adjusted for more flexibility
* Recommended Software now built against GTK+3 toolkit
* Fix for crash in volume plugin when using keyboard could push value out of range
* Fix for focus changing between windows in file manager when using keyboard to navigate directory view
* Fix for Raspberry Pi 400 keyboard country not being read correctly in startup wizard
* Armenian and Japanese translations added to several packages
* Automatically load aes-neon-bs on ARM64 to speed up OpenSSL
* Raspberry Pi firmware fcf8d2f7639ad8d0330db9c8db9b71bd33eaaa28
* Linux kernel 5.10.17
* Chromium version 86.0.4240.197 included
* Screen reader support enabled in Chromium
* Adobe have end-of-lifed Flash Player, so it has been removed
* Scratch 2 required Flash, so it has been removed
* Added Epson printer drivers
* Added timeout to hide messages from USB device monitor after 5 seconds
* Bug fix - PulseAudio output was in mono
* Bug fix - brief audio interruptions at start of playback in VLC
* Bug fix - old ALSA output settings being used instead of PulseAudio settings by some applications
* Bug fix - crash in PulseAudio volume controller when used on multichannel devices
* Bug fix - battery monitor failing to load on x86 platforms
* Bug fix - setting of password in startup wizard failed if language was changed
* Bug fix - Chromium video playback lockup on small number of devices
* Bug fix - Chromium Google Maps 3D view artefacts
* Slovak, Italian and Norwegian translations updated
* Added Epson printer drivers
* Raspberry Pi firmware 70f1581eec2c036b7e9309f1af41c651fb125447
* Linux kernel 5.4.83
* PulseAudio now included and running by default
* Bluealsa Bluetooth interface removed - Bluetooth audio is now handled by PulseAudio
* LXPanel volume control plugin replaced with PulseAudio version
* Version 84.0.4147.105 of Chromium web browser included
* Version 3.3.0 of Thonny included
* Version of Flash player included - note that this will be the final release of Flash, as it is end-of-lifed at the end of 2020
* CUPS printer system included, along with system-config-printer CUPS GUI and HP printer drivers
* raspi-config menu structure rearranged to match Raspberry Pi Configuration tabs
* Control for GPIO-connected fans added to raspi-config and Raspberry Pi Configuration
* Control for power / activity LED on Pi 400 and Pi Zero added to raspi-config and Raspberry Pi Configuration
* Improved screen reader voice prompts in several applications
* Added ctrl-alt-space shortcut to install Orca screen reader at any point
* Low voltage warnings added to battery monitor plugin
* Magnifier plugin zoom can now be changed with scroll wheel when pointer is over icon
* Change to notification popups - now will only close when clicked on directly, not by clicking anywhere
* Bookshelf now made compatible with translated versions of books and magazines, and will offer translated versions where available, based on system language setting
* Bug fix - crash in CPU temperature plugin when throttling detection fails
* Bug fix - if Orca is running, shutdown commands and shutdown dialog will force kill it to prevent it locking up the reboot or shutdown process
* Various additional language translations added
* Various minor bug fixes and UI tweaks
* Raspberry Pi firmware b324aea801f669b6ab18441f970e74a5a7346684
* Linux kernel 5.4.79
* raspi-config - added selection of boot device order
* raspi-config - added selection of boot EEPROM version
* SD Card Copier - copy is now immediately aborted if drives are connected or disconnected while copying
* Version of Flash player included
* User feedback survey removed from first run of Chromium
* Recommended Software - now allows multiple install and reinstall operations without having to close between each one
* Bug fix - misleading file browser from panel menu icon selection dialog - icons must now be in icon theme rather than arbitrary files
* Bug fix - items in main menu not being translated
* Bug fix - raspi-config not detecting audio devices in non-English locales
* Bug fix - Bookshelf claiming no disk space in non-English locales
* Bug fix - failed installation of both 32 and 64 bit versions of packages by Recommended Software on 64-bit images
* Italian translations added (thanks to Emanuele Goldoni and the Italian translation team)
* Raspberry Pi firmware ef72c17bcaaeb89093d87bcf71f3228e1b5e1fff
* Linux kernel 5.4.51
* Added Bookshelf application
* Added Raspberry Pi Diagnostics application
* Added magnifier plugin to taskbar - needs magnifier application installed from Recommended Software to enable
* Added Magnifier application to Recommended Software
* Added marketing questionnaire as initial Chromium tab
* Version 0.25 of Scratch 2 included - uses external application to access IMU on SenseHAT
* Version 1.0.5 of Scratch 3 included - uses external application to access IMU on SenseHAT
* Version of Flash player included
* Version 1.0.6 of Node-RED included
* Version 6.7.1 of VNC Server included
* Version 6.20.113 of VNC Client included
* Internal audio outputs enabled as separate ALSA devices
* MagPi preinstall removed and replaced with Beginner’s Guide
* MagPi weblink removed from main menu
* Chromium made default application for PDF files
* Common icon loading code for lxpanel plugins used
* Italian translations added
* Initial move of mouse pointer to menu button disabled
* Padding at left of menu button removed
* Focus behaviour changed so that focus moves to desktop if no windows are opened - improves reliability of Orca screen reader
* Bug fix - focus bug in volume plugin
* Bug fix - keyboard repeat interval bug in Mouse & Keyboard Settings
* Bug fix - battery detection bug in battery plugin
* Bug fix - spurious active areas on taskbar when plugins are hidden
* Bug fix - occasional crash in file manager on file selection
* Disk ID is now regenerated on first boot
* Updated udev rules
- Remove unused argon rule
- Add vcsm-cma to video group
- Add pwm to gpio group
* i2cprobe: More flexible I2C/SPI alias mapping
* Raspberry Pi firmware 21e1fe3477ffb708a5736ed61a924fd650031136
* Linux kernel 4.19.118
* Raspberry Pi Configuration - screen blanking setting disabled if Xscreensaver is installed
* Bug fix - switch to turn off VNC server in Raspberry Pi Configuration has no effect
* Bug fix - fix %20 characters in file names
* Linux kernel 4.19.97
* Raspberry Pi firmware 9a34efbf2fc6a27231607ce91a7cb6bf3bdbc0c5
- gencmd: Fix measure_clock name for CLOCK_OUTPUT_108
- mmal isp: Remote alignment requirements for RGB24 formats
- Add missing flags for VC_IMAGE_PROP_YUVUV_4K_CHROMA_ALIGN
- platform: Compromise on gpu overclock settings
* Version 3.2.6 of Thonny included - significant improvements in speed, particularly when debugging
* Version 1.0.4 of Scratch 3 included - adds new "display stage" and "display sprite" blocks to SenseHAT extension, and loading of files from command line
* Version of Flash player included
* Version 1.0.3 of NodeRED included
* Version 6.6.0 of RealVNC Server and version 6.19.923 of RealVNC Viewer included - adds support for audio
* Version 78.0.3904.108 of Chromium included
* Mesa updated to 19.3.2 for OpenGL ES 3.1 conformance
* Pixel doubling option added in Raspberry Pi Configuration on platforms using FKMS display driver
* Orca screen reader added to Recommended Software
* Code The Classics Python games added to Recommended Software
* File manager - new "places" pane added at top of sidebar to show mounted drives in simplified view; "new folder" icon added to taskbar; expanders in directory browser now correctly show state of subfolders
* Multiple monitor support improved - alignment of icons on second desktop corrected, Appearance Settings opens on correct tab when launched from context menu
* Raspberry Pi Touchscreen correctly aligned with display
* System clock synchronised before installing new packages in startup wizard and Recommended Software
* Mixer dialogs added to taskbar volume plugin; separate Audio Preferences application removed
* Raspberry Pi Configuration - separate tab added for display options; screen blanking control added
* Volume taskbar plugin and raspi-config modified to support separate ALSA devices for internal audio outputs (analogue and HDMI 1 and 2)
* Robustness improvements in volume, ejecter and battery taskbar plugins
* Movement of mouse pointer to menu button on startup now controlled by point_at_menu parameter in Global section of lxpanel configuration file
* Ctrl-Alt-Del and Ctrl-Alt-End shortcuts added to open shutdown options box
* Ctrl-Shift-Esc shortcut added to open task manager
* Enabled NEON routines in OpenSSL
* Linux kernel 4.19.97
* Raspberry Pi firmware 149cd7f0487e08e148efe604f8d4d359541cecf4
* rpi-eeprom included
- This will automatically update the SPI EEPROM on the Raspberry Pi 4 to the latest stable version.
See https://rpf.io/eeprom for more information.
* New icon theme for file manager icons
* Appearance Settings - option for identical desktop on both monitors
* Appearance Settings - option to show different desktop icons on both monitors
* Taskbar automatically moved to monitor 0 if monitor 1 not found at boot
* Switching of audio output between two HDMI devices added to volume plugin
* Switching of audio input devices added to volume plugin
* .asoundrc (ALSA config file) now uses 'plug' values to support more devices
* Audio Settings tool modified to integrate more closely with volume plugin to reduce duplicated code
* Screen Configuration tool now shows separate menus for resolution and refresh rate
* Primary and active monitor settings removed from Screen Configuration tool
* Overscan support added for FKMS driver
* New keyboard shortcuts added - Ctrl-Alt-End brings up shutdown menu; Ctrl-Alt-M moves taskbar between monitors
* Latest changes to Bluez ALSA interface integrated to improve connection to Bluetooth audio devices
* Mousepad used as simple text editor instead of leafpad
* Version 3.2 of Thonny added
* Version 74 of Chromium added
* Version 3.0.8 of VLC added
* Version of Flash player added
* Version 6.5.0 of RealVNC Server added
* Version 6.19.715 of RealVNC Viewer added (full image only)
* Version 12.0.1 of Mathematica added (full image only)
* Version 0.20.8 of NodeRED added (full image only)
* Version 3.1.0 of Sonic Pi added (full image only)
* Scratch 3 added (full image only)
* Bug fix - URL handling in Terminal
* Bug fix - octal values in SSIDs in network plugin
* Bug fix - remaining value in progress bar when transferring files
* Bug fix - integration of xarchiver tool with file manager
* Bug fix - start menu opening on incorrect monitor
* Bug fix - minimised applications wrongly displayed on taskbar on second monitor
* Bug fix - Bluetooth icon disappearing on x86 platforms when Bluetooth turned off
* Bug fix - Screen Configuration tool not shown on x86 platforms and settings not being saved
* Various translation updates
* Various minor bug fixes
* Epiphany/Web removed
* ntfs-3g included
* pciutils added
* Linux kernel 4.19.75
* Raspberry Pi firmware 01508e81ec1e918448227ca864616d56c430b46d
* Clearer options for switching of Pi 4 video output in Raspberry Pi Configuration
* Option added to Appearance Settings to move taskbar to second monitor
* Option added to Recommended Software to restrict package installs by architecture
* New version of Adobe Flash player (
* Selection of screen refresh rates added to Screen Configuration
* Fix for missing text insertion cursor in LibreOffice on Pi 4
* Fix for Wi-fi interruption when Wi-fi icon on taskbar is clicked
* FIx for incorrect desktop background behind desktop login prompt
* Fix for segmentation faults when launching obconf and lxapperarance
* Fix for unclosed file pointer in Screen Configuration
* Fix for Bluetooth plugin freeze when large numbers of devices detected
* Fix for opening URLs not working in lxterminal
* Fix for start menu opening on incorrect monitor when launched from keyboard
* Fix for taskbar item not having [] removed when un-minimising on second monitor
* Fix for Chromium video playback and WebGL performance on Pi 4
* Remove 4kp60 option from Raspberry Pi Configuration
* Rename hdmi_enable_4k to hdmi_enable_4kp60 in /boot/config.txt and raspi-config
* Linux kernel 4.19.57
* Raspberry Pi firmware 356f5c2880a3c7e8774025aa6fc934a617553e7b
* Based on Debian Buster
* Support for Raspberry Pi 4 hardware
* FKMS OpenGL desktop graphics driver and xcompmgr compositing window manager used when running on Raspberry Pi 4
* Screen Configuration application added for use with FKMS driver
* Raspberry Pi 4 video output options added to Raspberry Pi Configuration
* Uses new PiXflat UI theme for GTK and Openbox
* CPU activity gauge plugin no longer shown on taskbar by default
* CPU temperature gauge plugin added (not shown by default)
* USB ejecter and Bluetooth taskbar icons hidden when not appropriate
* Version 74.0.3729.157 of Chromium web browser included
* Version of Flash player included
* IDLE Python IDE removed
* Wolfram Mathematica removed temporarily due to incompatibility with Buster
* Display of package sizes removed from Recommended Software
* Appearance Settings modified to support independent settings for two monitors
* Oracle Java 7 and 8 replaced with OpenJDK 11
* Miscellaneous small bug fixes
* On-board 5GHz WiFi blocked by rfkill by default
The block is removed when taking one of the following actions:
- Selecting a locale in the first run wizard
- Setting the WiFi country in the Raspberry Pi Configuration tool or the Network Settings applet
- Setting the WiFi country in raspi-config
- Providing a wpa_supplicant.conf file through the boot partition
- Running 'rfkill unblock wifi'
* Boot partition size set to 256M
* Linux kernel 4.19.50
* Raspberry Pi firmware 88ca9081f5e51cdedd16d5dbc85ed12a25123201
* Chromium browser updated to version 72
* VLC media player updated to version 3.0.6
* RealVNC Server updated to version 6.4.0
* Flash player updated to version
* Performance improvements to SDL library
* Performance improvements to pixman library
* Option to set display underscan added to startup wizard
* Mounted external drives now displayed on desktop by default
* Network plugin modified for improved compatibility with wpa_passphrase
* SD Card Copier tweaks to reduce copy failures
* Various minor bug fixes and appearance tweaks
* Added ethtool
* Added rng-tools
* Add PINN restore support
* Linux kernel 4.14.98
* Raspberry Pi firmware f8939644f7bd3065068787f1f92b3f3c79cf3de9
* Two versions of image created - "base" image has no optional software packages included; "full" image has all optional packages
- Removed from "base" image - LibreOffice, Thonny, Scratch, Scratch 2, Sonic Pi, Minecraft, Python Games, SmartSim, SenseHAT Emulator
- Added to "full" image - Mathematica, BlueJ, Greenfoot, Node-RED, Claws Mail, VNC Viewer
* Python Games and SmartSim added to Recommended Software
* VLC media player with VideoCore hardware acceleration included in image
* Version 3.0.5 of Thonny included
* Modifications to LXDE components to enable local configuration to override global configuration correctly
* Modifications to Appearance Settings to support above configuration changes
* Modifications to various initial config defaults and relevant package to support above configuration changes
* Selecting default option in Appearance Settings now deletes relevant local configuration files
* PiX theme modified so that all changes made in Appearance Settings are in override files rather than in theme files
* Design of scrollbar buttons changed
* Image Viewer moved into Graphics category on main menu
* Recommended Software now installs LibreOffice language support files if needed, and suggests reboot if needed
* Latest version of Pepper Flash plugin included
* Chromium h264ify plugin permissions set correctly by default
* Corrections to various MIME types so that files open in sensible default applications
* Set default timezone to 'Europe/London'
* Linux kernel 4.14.79
* Raspberry Pi firmware 12e0bf86e08d6067372bc0a45d7e8a10d3113210
* Raspberry Pi 3A+ support
* In startup wizard, assign keyboard to country as per Debian installer recommendations
* In startup wizard, add option to use US keyboard in preference to country-specific option
* In startup wizard, show IP address on first page
* In startup wizard, check for existing wifi network connection and show it if there is one
* In startup wizard, install language support packages for LibreOffice and other applications
* In startup wizard, improve operation with keyboard only and no mouse
* Password change in Raspberry Pi Configuration and startup wizard now works properly if passwords contain shell characters
* Battery indicator plugin modified to cope with Pi-top hardware monitor crashing
* Networking plugin hides wifi password characters by default
* In Scratch 2 GPIO plugin, set pin from dropdown list rather than free text
* In Scratch 2 SenseHAT plugin, swap x and y axis values for LED array
* Include latest Adobe Flash player (
* Include latest RealVNC Server (6.3.1)
* Include libav-tools
* Include ssh-import-id
* Removed Mathematica
* Merge in latest third-party code for Bluetooth ALSA interface
* Add ability to prevent software update changing configuration files, by creating ~/.config/.lock file
* Various other small bug fixes, tweaks and changes to text
* Make dhcpcd work with 3G devices
* Add hw acceleration to ffmpeg
* Improved WiFi-BT coexistence parameters
* Run fake-hwclock before systemd-fsck-root
* Raspberry Pi PoE HAT support
* Linux kernel 4.14.71
* Raspberry Pi firmware 5b49caa17e91d0e64024380119ad739bb201c674
* New first-boot configuration wizard added
* Recommended Software installer added
* Bluej, Greenfoot, NodeRED, Claws Mail, VNC Viewer removed from image - can now be installed from Recommended Applications
* Qpdfview PDF viewer installed instead of Xpdf
* Version 65.0 of Chromium browser included, with latest Flash player
* Volume up / down keys now change by 5% increments and affect currently-selected output device rather than internal device only
* Network plugin now remembers previously-entered WiFi network passwords when prompting for reconnection
* Serial port and serial console can now be switched separately in Raspberry Pi Configuration
* Lxkeymap keyboard language setting application removed - replaced with dialog within Raspberry Pi Configuration
* Wifi country and keyboard language setting dialogs in Raspberry Pi Configuration now callable from other applications
* New version of Piboto font included to render with correct weight under some rogue applications
* Reconnection to Bluetooth audio devices on reboot improved
* Disable click-to-rename behaviour in file manager if single-click selection enabled
* Appearance Settings dialog makes config changes to some Qt files to match selected theme
* MIME file type associations improved
* Multiple desktop management options removed from mouse middle-click menu
* Menu shortcuts to Raspberry Pi website amended
* Python 2 IDLE menu link removed
* Sample Magpi PDF installed in /home/pi/MagPi
* Various minor tweaks, bug fixes and appearance changes
* Bluetooth updates
- Firmware with Bluetooth 4.2 features
- SCO profile suppot added via bthelper.service
* Linux kernel 4.14.50+
* Raspberry Pi firmware 748fb17992426bb29d99224b93cb962fefbdc833
* Fixed race between wifi-country.service and raspberrypi-net-mods.service
* Linux kernel 4.14.34+
* Raspberry Pi firmware 5db8e4e1c63178e200d6fbea23ed4a9bf4656658
* Raspberry Pi 3 B+ support
* WiFi is disabled until wireless regulatory domain is set (Pi 3 B+ only)
- The domain can be done through 'Raspberry Pi Configuration' (rc_gui),
'raspi-config' or by setting 'country=' to an appropriate ISO 3166
alpha2 country code in /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf.
* Default wireless regulatory domain is now unset
* Added support to desktop for different screen sizes and resolutions,
including multiple preset options in Appearance Settings and pixel doubling
option in Raspberry Pi Configuration
* Version 2.1.16 of Thonny included
* Version of Adobe PepperFlash player included
* Version 1.2.post1 of Pygame Zero included
* Bluetooth plugin now supports connection to Bluetooth LE HID devices
* Network plugin now indicates 5G-compatible APs
* Latest changes to Bluez ALSA service merged
- service now started on CLI boot as well as GUI boot
* Latest changes to dhcpcd networking plugin merged
* Improved support for running on pi-top devices
* Small design changes to PiX theme and icons
* Bug fix - hide spurious window resize handles
* Bug fix - Scratch 2 remote GPIO state block now works correctly
* Updated WiFi Firmware
- brcmfmac43455-sdio 7.45.154
- brcmfmac43430-sdio
* New packages:
- policykit-1
- obconf
- python-buttonshim python3-buttonshim
- python-unicornhathd python3-unicornhathd
- python-pantilthat python3-pantilthat
* Linux kernel 4.9.80+
* Raspberry Pi firmware 3347884c7df574bbabeff6dca63caf686e629699
* Added battery monitor plugin for taskbar - works on x86 images or first-generation Pi-Top
* Added cutdown mode to PCManFM file manager to reduce complexity
* Added ability to rename files in PCManFM by clicking name when selected
* Bug fix in Bluetooth ALSA module to reduce truncation of audio at end of playback
* Various small tweaks, bug fixes and theme modifications
* New kernel and firmware
* Disable predictable network interface names for Ethernet devices
* Bug fix for keyboard settings dialog in Raspberry Pi Configuration
* Bug fix for crash on some videos and animations in Chromium
* Bug fix for taskbar crash when running RealVNC server
* Bug fix for reloading projects with extensions in Scratch 2
* Bug fix for MAC address problem in Bluetooth
* Simple mode and new icons in Thonny
* New Japanese translations in Raspberry Pi Configuration
* Install fonts-droid-fallback for international fonts
* Based on Raspbian Stretch (Debian version 9)
* Version 60 of Chromium browser included
* Version 3.0.1 of Sonic Pi included
* Version 6.1.1 of RealVNC included
* Version 0.17.4 of NodeRED included
* Bluetooth audio routed via ALSA rather than Pulseaudio
* SenseHAT extension added to Scratch 2
* Various desktop applications modified to prompt for sudo password if needed
* lxinput control options for mouse speed simplified
* lxpanel plugins moved into separate packages
* Wireless firmware for Pi 3 and Pi 0W modified to address Broadpwn exploit
* Latest kernel and firmware
* Various small tweaks, bug fixes and theme modifications
* New kernel and firmware
* Filesystem created without the metadata_csum feature
* Scratch 2 application included
* Thonny Python IDE included
* New icons with thinner outlines
* Volume control more linear in behaviour
* Updated Flash player
* Updated RealVNC server and viewer
* Various tweaks and bugfixes
* New kernel and firmware
* Wolfram Mathematica updated to version 11.0.1
* Adobe Flash Player updated to version
* Use PARTUUID to support USB boot
* Updated kernel and firmware (final Pi Zero W support)
* Wolfram Mathematica updated to version 11
* NOOBS installs now checks for presence of 'ssh' file on the NOOBS partition.
* Chromium browser updated to version 56
* Adobe Flash Player updated to version
* RealVNC Server and Viewer updated to version 6.0.2 (RealVNC Connect)
* Sonic Pi updated to version 2.11
* Node-RED updated to version 0.15.3
* Scratch updated to version 120117
* Detection of SSH enabled with default password moved into PAM
* Updated desktop GL driver to support use of fake KMS option
* Raspberry Pi Configuration and raspi-config allow setting of fixed HDMI resolution
* raspi-config allows enabling of serial hardware independent of serial terminal
* Updates to kernel and firmware
* Various minor bug fixes and usability and appearance tweaks
* Re-release of the 2016-11-25 image with a FAT32-formatted boot partition
* SSH disabled by default; can be enabled by creating a file with name "ssh" in boot partition
* Prompt for password change at boot when SSH enabled with default password unchanged
* Adobe Flash Player included
* Updates to hardware video acceleration in Chromium browser
* Greeter now uses background image from last set in Appearance Settings rather than pi user
* Updated version of Scratch
* Rastrack option removed from raspi-config and Raspberry Pi Configuration
* Ability to disable graphical boot splash screen added to raspi-config and Raspberry Pi Configuration
* Appearance Settings dialog made tabbed to work better on small screens
* Raspberry Pi Configuration now requires current password to change password
* Various small bug fixes
* Updated firmware and kernel
* New PIXEL desktop environment - new icon set, window design, desktop images, splash screen and greeter
* Chromium web browser included
* Infinality font rendering patches included
* RealVNC server and viewer included
* SenseHAT emulator included
* Rfkill entries added to Wifi and Bluetooth panel plugins
* Updates to various standard applications, including Scratch and NodeRED
* Various bug fixes, tweaks and translation updates
* Updated firmware and kernel (https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/commit/ad8608c08b122b2c228dba0ff5070d6e9519faf5)
* Fixed crash of lxpanel when D-bus not accessible
* Fixed permissions for D-bus Bluetooth access
* Removed sudo from shutdown options
* Appearance of tooltips updated in theme
* Fixed ejecter plugin grabbing focus
* raspi-config command line and GUI apps tidied; unnecessary reboots removed
* More error detection in piclone; copying of volume names and IDs added
* Updated translation files
* New version of Scratch, which no longer requires sudo
* New version of BlueJ
* New version of NodeRED
* New version of pypy
* pigpio included
* geany editor included
* SD Card Copier added (can be used to duplicate or back up the Pi)
* Bluetooth plugin added to taskbar
* Volume control on taskbar now compatible with Bluetooth devices
* New shutdown helper application
* Mouse double-click speed setting added to mouse and keyboard preference application
* Option to enable / disable 1-wire interface and remote access to pigpio added to Raspberry Pi config application
* File system automatically expanded on first boot
* Empty Wastebasket option added to right-click menu
* Ctrl-Alt-T can be used to open a terminal window
* Various small bug fixes and appearance tweaks
* Updated firmware and kernel (https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/commit/cc6d7bf8b4c03a2a660ff9fdf4083fc165620866)
* updated firmware and kernel (https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/commit/951799bbcd795ddf27769d14acf4813fdcbe53dc)
* use serial0 in cmdline.txt
* wpa_supplicant.conf country default to GB (allows use of channels 12 and 13)
* Support added for Pi 3, including Wifi and Bluetooth
* Option to set wifi country code added to raspi-config
* dtb that uses mmc sdcard driver (fixes problems experienced with certain SD cards)
* new version of Sonic Pi (2.9)
* new version of Scratch (15/1/16)
* new version of Node-Red (2.5)
* new version of Wolfram (10.3)
* optional experimental GL desktop driver (can be enabled using advanced options in command-line raspi-config)
* new version of Java (1.8.0_65)
* new version of WiringPi
* raspi-gpio included
* ping no longer requires sudo (except NOOBS installs)
* support for more USB audio devices in lxpanel
* bug fix for creation of new menus in Alacarte
* various changes to raspi-config and GUI to tidy up board support and fix bugs, and updated translations
* small tweaks to theme to support GL driver
* Included IBM Node-RED IoT application
* Included graphical package manager
* Included accelerated pixman library
* Updated Epiphany browser to improve video compatibility
* Updated Scratch with performance improvements and bug fixes
* Updated Raspberry Pi configuration to allow boot to pause while
network is established
* Various minor bug fixes
* Based on Debian Jessie
* Upgraded applications - Epiphany browser, Scratch and Sonic Pi
* Included applications - LibreOffice, Claws Mail, Greenfoot, BlueJ
* Included utilities - Alacarte menu editor, Lxkeymap, scrot, tree, pip
* New GUI-based Raspberry Pi Configuration application
* GPIO control now possible without need for sudo
* Web link to Magpi magazine included
* New taskbar plugin to eject mounted USB drives
* Default boot is now to GUI not desktop
* Look and feel now based on GTK+3 default theme
* Print screen key launches scrot to produce screenshot
* Common keyboards autodetected by GUI and drivers loaded accordingly
* Numerous small tweaks and bugfixes
* Updated UI changes
* Updated firmware
* Install raspberrypi-net-mods
* Install avahi-daemon
* Add user pi to new i2c and spi groups
* Modified udev rules for i2c and spi devices
* Newer firmware with various fixes
* New Sonic Pi release
* Pi2 compatible RPi.GPIO
* Updated Wolfram Mathematica
* Support for Pi2
* Newer firmware
* New Sonic Pi release
* Updated Scratch
* New Wolfram Mathematica release
* Updated Epiphany
* Fix regression with omission of python-pygame
* New firmware with variosu fixes and improvements
* New UI configuration for lxde
* Various package updates
* python3-pygame preinstalled
* 'nuscratch', scratch running on the Cog StackVM
* Misc other changes
* New firmware with various fixes and improvements
* Minecraft Pi pre-installed
* Sonic Pi upgraded to 2.0
* Include Epiphany browser work from Collabora
* Switch to Java 8 from Java 7
* Updated Mathematica
* Misc minor configuration changes
* New firmware with various fixes, and kernel bugfix
* Many, many firmware updates with major USB improvements
* pyserial installed by default
* picamera installed by default
* Firmware updated
* Some space saved on the root filesystem
* Firmware updated, includes V4L2 fixes
* Update omxplayer
* Firmware updated and now using kernel 3.10. Many, many improvements
* fbturbo XOrg driver is now included and enabled by default. Thanks to
ssvb https://github.com/ssvb/xf86-video-fbturbo
* Update Scratch image with further bug fixes
* Include Wolfram Mathematica
* Update to PyPy 2.2
* Update omxplayer
* Include v4l-utils for use with experimental V4L2 Raspberry Pi camera driver
* Update squeak-vm to fix issues with loading JPEGs
* Update Scratch image for further performance improvements
* Include Oracle JDK
* At least a 4GiB SD card is now required (see above)
* Include PyPy 2.1
* Include base piface packages
* Update raspi-config to include bugfix for inheriting language settings
from NOOBS
* Updated to current top of tree firmware
* Update squeak-vm, including fastblit optimised for the Raspbery Pi
* Include Sonic Pi and a fixed jackd2 package
* Support boot to Scratch
* Inherit keyboard and language settings from NOOBS